We Offer Chiropractic Care, Massage, and Health Advice to Suit Your Every Need.
Chiropractic Care
Understanding Chiropractic at Chiropractor Norwich
Chiropractic is a distinct healthcare approach, grounded in the trio of science, art, and philosophy. It’s sought after for a range of neuromusculoskeletal issues, with many finding significant success. The core of chiropractic lies in enhancing nervous system function, fostering better coordination between the brain and body for improved health response to both internal and external environments. By addressing imbalances in the spine, chiropractic adjustments help restore proper nerve function, improve mobility, and promote overall wellness. The typical issues we get great results with is back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, sciatica, numbness and tingling, and posture.
Why Choose Chiropractic Care
Life exposes us to various chemical, physical, and emotional stresses that can impinge on our well-being. Our nervous system, encompassing the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, is pivotal in controlling our bodily functions. Any disruption in its operation can affect our overall health. The spine, comprising 24 vertebrae, is crucial in safeguarding our central nervous system. Stress or trauma can alter the spine’s structure and function, potentially impacting the peripheral nerves and, consequently, our health. Chiropractors focus on maintaining spinal health to ensure optimal nervous system functionality and overall health.
Our Chiropractic Approach
At Chiropractor Norwich Colman Road, our approach involves spinal adjustments to alleviate interference, thereby restoring and maintaining optimal nervous system function. This reconnection unlocks the body’s remarkable self-healing and performance capabilities. Our care, blending natural philosophy, evidence-based science, and evolving techniques, is personalised to encourage your body’s natural healing and performance abilities in a professional and welcoming environment.
Zone Technique
At Chiropractor Norwich we use a holistic Chiropractic Technique called Zone Technique. The Zone Technique specialises in restoring health to clients who have been suffering with acute pain, chronic pain and illnesses.
With the unique art of Zone treatment, we can restore the proper function and balance of your body. The Zone Technique delivers results by balancing the six main systems found in the body – Glandular, Eliminative, Nerve, Digestive, Muscular, and Circulatory. Every part of the body is included in the six systems and when functioning perfectly, will lead to great health!

Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Pain Relief
Chiropractic care is highly effective in relieving acute and chronic pain, including back pain, neck pain, and joint discomfort. By addressing the underlying cause of pain rather than merely masking symptoms, chiropractic adjustments offer long-lasting relief and improved quality of life.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Improved Mobility and Flexibility
Stress and restriction in the spine can limit movement and flexibility, leading to stiffness and reduced range of motion. Chiropractic adjustments help restore proper mobility to the spine, allowing for improved flexibility and ease of movement.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Enhanced Overall Wellness
Chiropractic care goes beyond symptom management to promote overall wellness and vitality. By optimising your spinal health, chiropractic adjustments support the body’s natural healing processes, boost immune function, and improve overall health and well-being.
We have a spinal specific massage table that is designed to mobilise and release tension within the spine. This is the only massage table in Norfolk that allows this to happen. The massage table is positioned so you can lie back in a quiet and relaxing room and allow your back to get a special and unique spinal massage. This has great results when you combine it with Chiropractic adjustments as it allows for your body to adapt quicker to your chiropractic treatment. Simple put, you will get out of pain quicker and back to doing the things you want to do. This is included in your Chiropractic visit and is not an additional cost.

Benefits of Chiropractic Massage
Pain Relief
After your adjustment you will be put onto the massage bed. This will help your spine adjust to your chiropractic adjustment better and get rid of your pain quicker.
Benefits of Chiropractic Massage
Improved Mobility and Flexibility
The Chiropractic Massage bed will mobilise every segment in your spine to allow for better mobility and flexibility.
Benefits of Chiropractic Norwich
Enhanced Overall Wellness
Once your body is back in balance and the massage bed has released all the tension around the spine, a lot of people feel lighter, less tense and a lot better within themselves.
Health Advice
We understand that there can be many causes that impact people’s overall health and well-being. Our Chiropractor has completed extensive research and worked with many people to help them get back to a better life. The health advice plays a massive role in that, allowing people to make better choices through having a better understanding of health and where it comes from.

Benefits of Health Advice
Enhanced Overall Wellbeing
Finding the root causes to why your symptoms are there allows for us to direct your health and body to heal. Every persons health is unique to their situation so we understand that you will need specific tailor care to get you better.
Benefits of Health Advice
Improved Outlook
We understand that imbalances of emotions and can trigger responses in the body to cause pain and symptoms. Addressing these imbalances can help make a huge improvement in your health and outlook on life.
Benefits of Health Advice
Fight or Flight Stress Response
Most people today are stuck in the stress response known as fight or flight. With the right guidance and advice we can help you take control of the stressors in your life and allow for you to thrive.
Most people will feel a significant change in their body straight afterwards but the coming days after that can vary. Most people will notice a change in their symptoms but can feel tender similar to working out at the gym. Some people will feel great after their adjustment and it will stay that way. Some people will feel tired and sore and that can last for a few days after your visit. These are all normal and if you ever have any concerns then please get in contact with us.
Yes, we recommend it. Our Chiropractor has trained specifically to assist pregnant women during and after pregnancy. Checking in with the Chiropractor after giving birth is important to ensure everything stays balanced and prevents future issues.
We recommend listening to your body because every person experiences different sensations after an adjustment. Some individuals feel energised and motivated to exercise, while others feel fatigued and prefer to rest. We advise staying active and drinking plenty of water regardless of how you feel.
We won’t ask you to remove your clothing. Instead, we’ll use clothing that allows you to move comfortably while we examine and adjust your spine. We don’t recommend tight clothing, dresses, shirts, or high heels.
When adjusted correctly, the spine won’t cause pain; instead, it will feel more like relief.
After completing the initial assessment, the Chiropractor will inform you about their findings. Following that, we will inform you if we can assist you with this. Moreover, if we cannot assist you with it, we will direct you to the best place to address your issues. We will administer treatment once we know we can help you.
Chiropractors commonly use chiropractic care to treat a variety of conditions. This includes sciatica, headaches, migraines, joint stiffness, nerve pain in the arms and shoulders. We also treat neck and back pain. So, if you’re unsure whether we can assist you, feel free to call or message us to chat directly with the Chiropractor before making your decision.
Unfortunately it is hard to know how many appointments people will need. Reason being is we all heal at different rates and all have had their current problem for different amounts of time. We usually see people once a week till their issue has completely gone. In some cases people will visit twice a week to speed up their results.
Yes, we have helped numerous individuals with these issues. Our Chiropractor has received training to address these problems. We recognise that each case can vary, so an assessment would provide the Chiropractor with a clearer understanding of whether they can assist. If they cannot, they will recommend a solution for you.
Yes, qualified Chiropractors are safe when they perform by a Chiropractor. Our Chiropractor has specialised in many different techniques so that they can tailor their care to suit your needs.
Chiropractic is based on the spine and nervous system. This usually entails adjustments to the spine to allow the brain, spinal cord and nerves to work properly. Osteopathy, similar to Chiropractic as they use manual work. Osteopaths focus is to promote healing by increase blood flow to the effected. Physiotherapist are typically less hands on and use exercise and rehabilitation exercises to help with your issue.